The Book of Revelation: Introduction

A study in the book of Revelation.

The Introduction is the beginning of our lecture series on the Book of Revelation. I am so excited about this series because I know that some people have a fear of this book, while there those of us who have a love for the book because it is the revealed end time as given to John by God. It is not ironic that this book is the last book of the Bible. The introduction covers some of the history of the purview of theologians and religious reformers, basics tenets of Christian belief as well as new Protestant traditions and the Anti-trinitarians. Further this section discussed the history of John the Baptist, described the Isle of Patmos during his imprisonment, and discusses that  Satan hates Revelation because it reveals him for who and what he is. He is counting on us to be afraid of the Book because it foretells his end and the demise of his power. However, it does not matter who believes in the Book, who is afraid of the Book, or who ignores the Book. God has given his people understanding of the Book through divine inspiration of the Holy Ghost. We also discuss the four distinct views of Revelation, the Historical, Preterist, Futurist, and Idealist.

The Honey in the Rock Series – Book of Revelation: Introduction