The Book of Revelation: Lesson 12 | Chapter 4:1-4

A study in the book of Revelation.

These lessons are covered over the course of two nights of instruction. We now turn our attention to Chapter 4, which is the beginning of the third division of the Book. In Chapters 2 and 3 we discussed the historical antecedents of the church age throughout today, all of which took and do take place on the earth. As you recall, chapter 3 ended with a closed door and Jesus was standing outside knocking. We have discussed the fact that the Rapture takes place between chapters 3 and 4. We can know nothing of future events except what God is pleased to show us because only God can open the door to reveal what he wants us to know, hear, and see. From this chapter forward we will read about the hymns, the prayers, worship, praise as well as the sermons that John heard are revealed in a miraculous vision that allows us to see our response to the true Living God. John first heart the Trumpet voice in Revelation 1:10 and will hear it again in Revelation 4:10. Chapter 4 is the beginning of worship and praise in heaven described by John as a scene around the throne of God, the symbol of the governing power of God throughout the universe where there were twenty-four elders and four beings, with the face of an ox, a lion, an eagle, and a man. Each of the heavenly beings had six wings with eyes before and behind (Revelation 4:1–7). The emphasis of the chapter is that only God is the sovereign creator as we can see throughout scripture. In Chapter 4 John’s attention is fixed solely on what she saw and heard on the throne, in front of the throne, and attached to the throne. According to Peterson (1988, p. 59) worship operates from a fivefold perspective such that it gathers, centers, reveals, affirms, and sings. When we worship God, we worship him as our center. No wonder Richard Smallwood sang “Jesus You Are the Center of My Joy!!” We worship God with all of our soul, might, and heart. Well before the Isle of Patmos John profoundly understood that God is Spirit and his followers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

The Honey in the Rock Series – Book of Revelation: Lesson 12 | Chapter 4:1-4