The Book of Revelation: Lesson 1 | Chapter 1:1-10

A study in the book of Revelation.

This lesson begins at Revelation 1:9 we discuss the perspectives of theologians relatively to why John did not make mention of his own name until Verse 9 and why he preceded his name with the personal pronoun “I” in his writings. We also discuss that the personal duty of a prophet of God is to ensure that his message really came from God. This lesson includes a discourse on the fact that Domitian banished John to the Isle of Patmos as punishment, but God meant it for his good. If John had not been on the Isle of Patmos away from mankind, he would not have been in the right place at the right time. God rolled back the veil and allowed John to see and record miracles and mysteries. Further we discuss the viewpoints of Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Victorinus, and Jerome. The term “The Lord’s Day” is discussed, including the historical Biblical origin of this terminology.

The Honey in the Rock Series – Book of Revelation: Lesson 1 | Chapter 1:1-10