The Book of Revelation: Lesson 5 | Chapter 2:8-17

A study in the book of Revelation.

In Lesson 5 we begin to discuss the Church at Thyatira. Scholars say that Thyatira comes from two words. One means sacrifice or incense offering and the other means that which goes on continually. In other words, it means a continued sacrifice. Thyatira implemented the period of the union of the church and state. In the 7th Century the Bishop of Rome was officially recognized as Christ’s viceregent and head of the church. This church ushered in the Papacy. There was no true Roman Catholic Church until the pope was acknowledged as the head of Christianity.

There was no Protestant church until the days of Luther. Prior to the 7th century the church was becoming corrupt and was drifting further away from the Word of God. During the Catholic reign, the church professed to be servants of God while acknowledging the Pope as the head of the church. Roman Catholic priests to this day declare that they offer a continual sacrifice for the sins of the living. The people confess their sins to the priests who gives them certain things to recite, have them light candles, and have them recite the rosary. These priests inform their confessors that their sins are forgiven.

Thyatira ushered in the root of blasphemy because they denied the finished work of Christ on the cross. At Pentecost Peter said “him being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain whom God has raised up from the dead. Jesus Christ is the propitiation for our sins. He is our savior. When Christ speaks to Thyatira He speaks to the sons of God. He did so specifically because the Catholics call him the Son of Mary. Even the Pentecostal church sings songs calling him Mary’s baby. Every time the Pope stands to bless the people and offer a sacrifice of mass, he denies the undeniable efficacy of what took place on the cross when Jesus Christ was crucified, and clearly let the world know that “it is finished.” Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice and there is no need for any additional atonement or sacrifices for sin. Every time a priest offers up a sacrifice, he crucifies Christ afresh.

The Honey in the Rock Series – Book of Revelation: Lesson 5 | Chapter 2:8-17

There was no Protestant church until the days of Luther. Prior to the 7th century the church was becoming corrupt and was drifting further away from the Word of God. During the Catholic reign, the church professed to be servants of God while acknowledging the Pope as the head of the church. Roman Catholic priests to this day declare that they offer a continual sacrifice for the sins of the living. The people confess their sins to the priests who gives them certain things to recite, have them light candles, and have them recite the rosary. These priests inform their confessors that their sins are forgiven. Thyatira ushered in the root of blasphemy because they denied the finished work of Christ on the cross. At Pentecost Peter said “him being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain whom God has raised up from the dead. Jesus Christ is the propitiation for our sins. He is our savior. When Christ speaks to Thyatira He speaks to the sons of God. He did so specifically because the Catholics call him the Son of Mary. Even the Pentecostal church sings songs calling him Mary’s baby. Every time the Pope stands to bless the people and offer a sacrifice of mass, he denies the undeniable efficacy of what took place on the cross when Jesus Christ was crucified, and clearly let the world know that “it is finished.” Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice and there is no need for any additional atonement or sacrifices for sin. Every time a priest offers up a sacrifice, he crucifies Christ afresh.