The Book of Revelation: Lesson 7 | Chapter 3:1-6

A study on the book of Revelation.

The Lord Jesus here assumes the character of him that hath the seven spirits of God, and the seven stars, where the seven spirits are said to be before the throne. (1.) He hath the seven spirits, that is, the Holy Spirit with his various powers, graces, and operations; for he is personally one, though manifested severally, and may be said here to be seven, which is the number of the churches, and of the angels of the churches, to show that to every pastor, and to every church, there is a dispensation and measure of the Spirit given to them for prosperity—in other words the spiritual influence for that pastor and church to improve, both for enlargement and continuance. Churches have their spiritual stock and fund, as well as particular believers; and, this epistle being sent to a languishing ministry and church, they are very fitly put in mind that Christ has the seven spirits, the Spirit without measure and in perfection, to whom they may apply themselves for the reviving of his work among them.

The Honey in the Rock Series – Book of Revelation Lesson 7 | Chapter 3:1-6